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Positive Practices In Life That Make A Happy Life


Positive Practices In Life That Make A Happy Life

Positivity, activeness, healthy living and active thinking are the keys to happiness. Rev up your happiness quotient with these tips.

1. Get a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is as important for your soul as it is for your body. It is necessary for overall mental, physical and emotional well being.

2. Get up early 

Early to bed and early to rise keeps you healthy, wealthy and wise.

3. Make a to-do list for the day.

Keeping track of all your tasks ensure they get done on time, making you feel productive and also keeps stress away. It promotes positivity and cheerfulness.

4. Meditate.

Mediation is to the soul what exercise is to the body. Meditate to increase positivity, spread happiness and be a calmer person.

5. Stay active and on the go.

Being active stimulates positivity, productivity and happiness. You feel like you have accomplished something and do not feel like a lazy, idle couch potato.

6. Try to help others.

Helping others can spread positivity and happiness, not just in the lives of those you help, but in your life too. If nothing else, do it for selfish reasons!

7. Listen to soothing music.

Your favorite music will help calm you down and increase positivity when nothing else will. Music can be a powerful tool.

8. Take lessons from negative things.

Embrace negativity! But notin a
sado-masochist way. Instead of letting negative experiences get you down, learn from them.

9. Count your blessings.

Be sure to reflect on how much you have and how blessed and lucky you are!

10. Invest in relationships with loved ones.

Your loved ones, friends and family are the ones who will be there for you when no one is. They are also the ones who make you happy, just by being there for you. After all, there is nothing like being loved, is there? Nurture and value your relationships with them.

 ☺👐❤ share your love and happines ❤👐☺

How to get rid of pimple marks?


How to get rid of pimple marks?                      

Mostly everyone suffers from the acne problems in their teens.  But more than the acne itself it is the scars that cause many problems. Scars can have a deep impact on an individual, low self esteem being the most prominent among others.

There are 3 home remedies that I rely on when I get pimples.. and trust me I get them very often…so here are my rescue options…

♡ Honey+cinnamon mask.. keep it for 30 minutes and wash off.. use it every alternate day

♡ Aloe vera gel .. fresh directly from the plant will treat acne marks and will infact solve every skin issue..

♡ Lemon juice works the best and the fastest.. apply it directly .. leave it for 30 minutes and do this everyday! Dilute it with rose water if you cant use the lemon juice directly!

 You can also try to exfoliate occationally by making masoor dal pack. U can use mederma ointment. 😉🐾

Best Ways To Live Your Life Without Any Regrets


Best Ways To Live Your Life Without Any Regrets

Life is a waste if you haven’t really enjoyed living it. Like they say, it’s not the destination that matters, but the journey. Here are some life tips that will make this journey worth a lot more for you!

1.People will always have a lot to say about your life. They will always come up with free advice on how you should be living your life. Listen to everyone but do what you want anyway.

2. Don’t compare yourself with others. They’ve not been brought up the same way, they’ve not had the same experiences as you and so, they’re not the same people as you. Good, bad or ordinary—accept yourself for you who are and know you’r any other person in this world.

3. Make every day count. Forget about what you want to be doing 5 years down the line, live in the present. Stop worrying about tomorrow, start living today. Your life isn’t going to get exciting unless this very moment is!

4. Disappointment is what makes our lives miserable. We’re disappointed in ourselves, in people we know, in life, despite knowing that not everything will happen the way you want it to. Be more accepting towards people. Know that they have their own reasons for being the way they are.Just accept them the way they are. Don’t wait for them to change into someone you want them to be and be disappointed by the end of it.

5. Don’t be afraid to let go. Don’t cling on to things and people that you know, deep down, are not going to stay forever. Holding on to them will only make you weaker, and more insecure. People who have to leave will leave no matter how much you try to control them. And those who want to stay will find a way in no matter how much you shut them off.

6. Accept that you’re just a tiny part of this universe and that the world cannot run as you want it to. Stop trying to control people. Let them do what they want to. Live, and let live.

7. Always look for things that make you happy. People may think otherwise, but it is not selfish at all to keep your own happiness a priority. You will never be able to keep anyone else happy unless you’re happy yourself.

8. Be kind and generous. Help people when they need you. Just don’t let their troubles rub off on you. Don’t get so involved in someone else’s problem that it makes you lose your own mental peace.

9. Share your happiness. Celebrate. It simply makes the smallest moments count and reminds you of all that you have to look forward to in life.

10. Don’t complain. It never helps. The more you rant, the worse it makes you feel about your life. Either be the change you want to see in others, or accept the world the way it is.

11. Be open to what others have to say. Be open to changing your opinions and perspectives about things in life. You’ll realize you disagree with most things simply because you’re too resistant to change. Being flexible in your opinion will make you realize there’s no absolute right or wrong in this world – just perspectives.

12. Take out time to do things you genuinely love. Don’t be so caught up in making a career that you lose out on your interests in life.

13. Every once in a while, disconnect with the world and connect with yourself. Sit silently and do nothing. Appreciate life in its calmness. Find beauty in the mundane.

14. Conquer your fears. Set yourself free. Explore all that you’ve been missing out on in life because of that one tiny fear. Go, face the waves!

15. We often seek others’ approval and appreciation all the time. But guess what, nobody can judge you better than yourself. Appreciate yourself. Reward yourself.

16. Stop trying to please everyone. You cannot. The only person you should be pleasing is you. It is high time you stop giving others so much importance in your life.

17. We’re all flawed; it is nothing to be ashamed of. But the world may keep reminding you of it time and again. And the best way to fight back is to learn how to laugh at yourself! The world loses the moment you begin to embrace your imperfections.

18. Spend money if it makes you happy. But spend it on experiences not materialistic pleasures. Instead of buying the latest iPhone, take an unforgettable trip with yourbest friends! It is moments like these that make the most priceless memories.


Top 7 Eye Makeup hacks you’ve probably ignored


Top 7 Eye Makeup hacks you’ve probably ignored

Gear up, ladies! Time to cleanse the negativity that surrounds certain are asof eye makeup with these modest, life-saving, hacks. We have done a LOT of thinking for this one- after trying and testing some incredible tricks, here are the seven most fabulous ones that made it to our it-list!


Lets go back to the basics –White eyeliner is the most important tool in your hack arsenal! Make any sheer/less pigmented eyeshadow  pop by just applying it over your lid and close to your tear-ducts. Plus it makes your shadow long-lasting.


Runny kohl is a beauty junkie’s WORST nightmare. Now is the time to wake up from it! Protect your makeup by applying powder underneath your water-line. The powder creates a barrier, hence making your kohl behave!


Always wanted natural, thick, power lashes? Here is how you get them: Right before you apply your favorite mascara, sprinkle some baby powder on a clean wand and get the lashes that you always longed for!



Instant eye-lifts anyone? White liner to the rescue again! Trace an inverted V under and above your brows, blend it with a shadow brush. Try it to believe it!


Creating the perfect smoky eye is quite a task and we are damn sure that it is every lady’s go-to formula to make heads turn, but sometimes it gets very difficult to get the desired effect so we just end up abandoning the entire idea. Try this simple hack and get an instant smoky eye! Take ablack pencil liner and draw a slant hash tag at the corner of your eye, then- blend, blend, blend and voila! You just got done a perfect smoky eye.


   Turn your ‘can’t do a proper winged liner’ to a ‘can achieve divine winged-eyes’ with this simple hack! Grab a spoon and start your eyeliner as you would for a cat eye look, press the rounded side of the spoon against your eyelid and move the spoon outwards to create the winged effect.


Make your eyes look big and bold like a Disney princess by incorporating this easy-peasy eyeshadow hack! Pull your shadow outwards at the crease, trace along the bottom lid with a liner brush and connect at the corner


10 Nail Polish Hacks You Need to Know to Flaunt Those Colorful Nails


10 Nail Polish Hacks You Need to Know to Flaunt Those Colorful Nails

This post is dedicated to all those nail fashion lovers, who like to flaunt their nails and are always looking for tips and tricks to add glamour to their nails. So, let us give your nails a boost of style with these simple hacks.

1. Apply A White Polish:

Wondering what a white polish is doing in this segment of flaunting colorful nails? Well, applying a coat of white polish as a base will help you in adding a pop to your nail color. Your nail color will look more vibrant, when you apply it on a white polish that has been used as a base.

2. Quick Dry Your Nails:

Getting late for somewhere but cannot compromise with flaunting your nails? Here is a tip, dunk your colored nails in cold water or pat them with some of it. Doing this, will set the color in just 2-3 minutes without leaving any imprints on the color.

3. Long Lasting Color:

We do fret sometimes about the wearing off of the nail color too soon. You can make a nail color last long by following this tip. Keep the nail color in the fridge for 15 minutes, before applying. It will also avoid nail polish bubbles.

4. Petroleum Jelly for The Clean Look:

A clean look is what we desire the most, while applying a nail polish. Apply some jelly at around your nails before painting them. This will help you easily clean up your nails.

5. Glitter Polish: 

Glitter on nails is adorable and a matte look added to the same is super glamorous. The good news is that you can make one on your own. All you will need is a glitter eye shadow you do not wear any more. Apply a coat of nail polish, dip your nail into the glitter jar making sure the whole nail is covered with the glitter and then wipe off any excess.

6. A Dotting Nail Art:

Add dots to your style with the help of a tooth pick or a bobby pin. Just dab it into a nail color you want for dots and apply it on your base nail color and you are good to go.

7. Get The Spider Web Look for Your Nails:

Are you going to throw your old loofah away? Well, you might just want to stop and utilize it to another purpose as it can give you a nail art. Take apart the loofah, put the net above your nail, apply a nail color of your choice over it and the look is ready.

8. Fixing The Smudge:

Nail color smudges happen quite often. When your nailis almost dry and you accidentally smudge it, instead of trying to fix it with your finger, read just it with the tip of your tongue as the softness of the tongue will avoid leaving imprints on your nails.

9. Reviving That Old Nail Polish:

If your nail color is drying out, do not think of throwing it away because it can still prove to be useful. You can add a nail polish thinner to it and use it again to flaunt it on your nails.

10. Creating Matte Nail Polish:

Here is the coolest hack to flaunt a matte look for your nails. All you need to do is to add some eyeshadow powder to a clear nail polish and shake it.Now, apply it on your dry base coat and start flaunting your matte look.

Hope you found the tricks helpful. So, beautify yourself and announce your presence through your gorgeous nails. 😉😉


Can Scientists 'Upload Knowledge' Directly into your Brain to Teach New Skills?


Can Scientists 'Upload Knowledge' Directly into your Brain to Teach New Skills?

Imagine the world where you do not have to make any efforts to learn new skills or knowledge.

Just like new programs are uploaded to a Robot to teach them new skills, What if new skills are uploaded to your brain to make you learn, say, playing Guitar, a whole language like French or German or anything else you wish?

Do you want a technique, if exists, to make this possible?

Of course, YES! Who would not?

Now, multiple media channels are reporting that a team  of researchers from HRL Laboratories in California has developed a new technology that could be used to feed any skill into the human brain without much effort.

But, Is it possible in reality?

Let's have a look at what media is reporting and what scientists have actually discovered.

Here's what Media is Reporting:

Media is reporting that researchers have found a way to "upload knowledge to your brain." Researchers claimed to have developed a simulator that can feed data directly into a human’s brain to teach new skills in a shorter amount of time.

Some are reporting that the technique is similar to that seen in 'The Matrix,' in which Keanu Reeves learns'Kung-Fu' soon after a program is uploaded directly into his brain through a terminal.

Here's what Scientists have Actually Discovered:

In reality, the recent research shows that it may be possible to enhance a human's existing ability to learn new skills, but to upload any particular skill or talent directly into a person via brain waves is outside the scope of the study.

What Did the Scientists Actually Achieve?

Lead by Matthew Phillips, the HRL Labs research team that does R&D for the Boeing Company and General Motors has made use of a neuro-stimulation technique called transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) – a noninvasive, painless shock that makes use of a constant, small electric current to excite specific brain regions.

Using tDCS technique, the researchers excited certain areas in the human brain that are responsible for learning and skill retention.

"When you learn something, your brain physically changes," Philips said. "Connections are made and strengthened in a process called neuroplasticity. It turns out that certain functions of the brain, like speech and memory, are located in very specific regions of the brain, about the size of your pinky.

"During their experiment, the researchers first monitored the brain waves of 6 commercial as well as military pilots and then transmitted those patterns into 32 newbies who were learning to pilot an aeroplane in a flight simulator.

The finding suggests that tDCS technique might work to enhance a person's ability to learn, as the newbies who received tDCS brain stimulation were found with improved piloting abilities, especially landing skills.

However, this definitely does not mean that the researchers uploaded or transmitted any particular skill or type of data via this technique, rather they just excited the specific brain regions responsible for learning, so that a person could improve his/her learning ability.

So, don’t think that using this new technique you could "upload" an entire skill set, like Kung-Fu or French language. For now, you have to make efforts to learn them but, who knows, the study could just be a first step towards this whole new FUTURE.

For in-depth knowledge, you can read the full research paper published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.



Warning! CCTV Cameras Sold on Amazon Come with Pre-Installed Malware



Warning! CCTV Cameras Sold on Amazon Come with Pre-Installed Malware.   

 Be careful while buying any off-brand electronics from Amazon, as they could end up infecting you.

Recently, independent security researcher  Mike Olsen  discovered that the CCTV surveillance devices sold on Amazon came with pre-installed malware.

Olsen discovered this nasty secret after he bought a set of outdoor CCTV surveillance cameras from Amazon for one of his friends.

He picked Sony Chip HD 6 Camera 1080P PoE IP CCTV surveillance camera kit sold by the Urban Security Group (USG) on Amazon, as it had good reviews and was a relatively cheap set of 6 cameras with all necessary equipment included.

While helping his friend set up the cameras, Olsen logged into the administrator panel to configure the surveillance system and found that the page hosted  "no normal controls or settings."

Assuming that it might be bad programming, Olsen opened up the browser's developer tools and was surprised to discover a hidden iFrame loaded at the bottom of the body tag, retrieving content from  Brenz.pl.

Surveillance Camera Comes Pre-Installed with Malware

A quick Google search revealed that the Brenz.pl domain was used in malware distribution campaigns, according to a blog post by cyber-security vendor  Sucuri in 2011.

In short, this means that the newly bought surveillance camera kit could be infected with malware anytime, when the Brenz.pl operator decides to push malicious code to the DVR's backend through the hidden iFrame.

Once the CCTV camera's operator accessed that page, the malware would be downloaded and installed, potentially leading to unlawful spying and data theft.

Since the Breza.pl domain was already on the firmware,there might be other nasty malware included in the firmware as well, that does not provide the camera's owner to access the backend.

The malware distributed by the surveillance cameras can have the ability to hijack video feeds or make the customer's camer as part of a DDoS Botnet, something that happened last year. 

So be careful what you buy. Check reviews of every product before buying, even if the product brand and the eCommerce platform is trusted.


After WhatsApp encryption, secure chat app Signal comes to PCs


After WhatsApp encryption, secure chat app Signal comes to PCs

NEW DELHI: After Facebook-owned WhatsApp recently announcedend-to-end encryption, people can now opt for another free secure chat application called Signal Private Messenger, to use on their PCs.

The desktop beta version of encrypted chat app, made by Open Whisper Systems, is now available as a Chrome app. It can be found on Chrome Web Store. However, the service can be used only when the app is linked to an Android smartphone. It is not yet available for iOS users.

Signal gained prominence when it was made public that NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden prefers to use it to maintain secrecy. It is just like any other chat platform and allows users to send multimedia messages along with cross-platform support.

Interested users will, however, have to queue to get access to the browser version.

WhatsApp also has added end-to-end encryption to all of its messages - meaning that the company couldn't give information to governments, even if it wanted to. The latest version of the app will use security technology that means that messages can't be intercepted as they travel between devices.

Encryption ensures that only a message's sender and recipient can read messages, stopping them from being intercepted on their journey.


The 10 Best Jobs In Tech Field To Apply For In 2016


These Are The 10 Best Jobs In Tech Field To Apply For In 2016

Short Bytes:  Looking for a new job in tech? Here’s an article telling you the 10 best  jobs in the tech field right now. This list ranks the hottest careers based up on salary, job openings, and career opportunities.

If you are bored from your current tech job and looking to switch your job, remember this thing — some tech job are better than others. All you need is correct data at the right time to make the perfect decision.

                       The job hunting website Glassdoor is here to help you with its 2016 list of the best jobs. Civil engineer, mechanical engineers, and lawyers all have disappeared from this list. While the website has prepared a list of the top 25 jobs for 2016, out of those, we have picked the top 10 jobs in technology that you need to look for this year.

The list mentions the average salary, number of job openings and scores out of five. Let’s take a look:

10 best tech jobs you should apply for in 2016:

1. Data Scientist

Also called the‘sexiest job of the  21st century’, the data scientist job profile is something that needs a wide range of skills including mathematical, statistical, predictive modeling, and business strategy skills. Their job includes collecting and analyzing ‘big data’ to present the hidden business insights.

*. Number of Job Openings: 1,736
*. Median Base Salary: $116,840
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 4.1

2. Solutions Architect

Solutions architect is a person who is responsible for converting the requirements into the architecture of that solution and describing it using a set of design architecture standards.

*. Number of Job Openings: 2,906
*. Median Base Salary: $119,500
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.5

3. Mobile Developer

The software requirements are converted into programmable code and programs by a mobile developer. Usually,a mobile developer is skilled in one specific field like mobile development, graphics software, business software etc.

*. Number of Job Openings: 2,251
*. Median Base Salary: $90,000
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.8

4. Product Manager

A product manager finds an intersection between technology, business, and user experience to discover a valuable and feasible product. This person oversees the projects and their progress.

*. Number of Job Openings: 6,607
*. Median Base Salary: $106,680
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.3

5. Software Engineer

A software engineer is responsible for the complete life-cycle of a new or modified version of a software. This person works on everything — research, design, training, application, and support.

*. Number of Job Openings: 49,270
*. Median Base Salary: $95,000
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.3

6. Analytics Manager

An analytics manager plays a key role in designing the future strategy of a company. This person generates information based on previous records and performance to arrive at a comprehensive result.

*. Number of Job Openings: 982
*. Median Base Salary: $105,000
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.7

7. Software Development Manager

A software manager is often called the ‘man in the middle’. This person deals with software development projects and takes care of various developments, customers, management, and sales aspects.

*. Number of Job Openings: 1,199
*. Median Base Salary: $135,000
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.4

8. QA [Quality Assurance] Manager

A QA manager ensures that the end product fulfills the relevant criteria, establishes procedures and certain quality standards.

*. Number of Job Openings: 3,749
*. Median Base Salary: $85,000
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.4

9. UX [User Experience] Designer

A UX designer is responsible for the looks and feel of a product. This person explores multiple approaches to arrive at a final solution to ensure that the product provides the best user experience.

*. Number of Job Openings: 863
*. Median Base Salary: $91,800
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.6

10. Software Architect

A software architect is a software expert that designs software applications and dictates how the software will be implemented in an enterprise.

*. Number of Job Openings: 653
*. Median Base Salary: $130,000
*. Career Opportunities Rating: 3.4

Did you find this list of best tech jobs of2016 helpful ? Share your with us in the comments below.



Do you know wich one is a safest messenger App ?



WhatsApp is now probably illegal in India


WhatsApp is now probably illegal in India.
WhatsApp turned on encryption within the app. This means, by default, if you are using the latest version of WhatsApp all your communication through the app will be encrypted. This also - probably, and that is a big probably - makes WhatsApp illegal in India. The reason? Our IT laws and rules are so outdated that a case can be made against WhatsApp because now it is using 256-bit encryption by default.

This is legally a grey area and given the fact that WhatsApp is popular in India, the government may not go after it, but in theory it can very well declare the chat app illegal. None of the Indian IT-related regulations permit 256-bit encryption in private services. Although, none of them also specifically outlaw it. But there are some guidelines issued by Department of Telecommunications, which the government can use to term WhatsApp illegal.

According to rules issued by DoT in 2007, License Agreement for Provision of Internet Service (including Internet Telephony) mandates that private parties in India cannot use encryption that is higher than 40-bits without explicit permission from the government.

Also, the permission is granted only if the entity that intends to use encryption submits decryption keys to the government, which in the case of WhatsApp is going to be impossible because it has implemented the encryption in a way where even WhatsApp doesn't have the keys.

Now, the interesting bit here is that WhatsApp is not an ISP and neither it needs any DoT licence to offer its services in India. So it is not clear if the encryption rules formulated by DoT apply on it or not. Although, due to the lack of clarity in this matter, if the government wants, it can clearly chase WhatsApp out of the country with its 40-bit stick.

India is, however, in the process of formulating some sort of coherent encryption policy. Last year, the governmentfloated a draft proposal for the use of encryption in India. It was a bad bad draft, which government pulled back because of criticism. One of the suggestions in the draft was that people using encrypted services will be asked to keep the decrypted data for at least 90 days. If something like that makes its way to whatever new policy the government comes up with, it will definitely make the WhatsApp illegal, especially after its decision to turn on strong encryption by default for all users across the world.


Do you know why Mark Zukerberg wears same T-shirt every day


Mark Zuckerberg is a man of humble tastes. His attire usually consists of Adidas flip flops, a grey T-shirt and his signature hoodie. But don't be fooled by his simple outfit, there's an important reason behind it.

In his first public Q&A at Facebook's HQ last night, Zuckerberg revealed he wears the same clothes over and over again because he wants to limit the time he spends making "frivolous" decisions so he can concentrate on real work.

He said: "I really want to clear my life so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community.

"I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life, so that way I can dedicate all of my energy towards just building the best products and services," he added.

Zuckerberg noted Apple founder Steve Jobs used to wear the same clothes too- mostly jeans and a black turtleneck shirt. President Barack Obama has a similar theory when it comes to clothes, telling Vanity Fair he has "many other decisions to make" so choosing what suit to wear isn't on his to-do list.

The Facebook founder also told the audience he was "hurt" by his portrayal in the film "The Social Network", insisting that he did not create Facebook to attract women while he was a student at Harvard University.

"They just kind of made up a bunch of stuff that I found really hurtful." he said. "They made up this whole plot line about how I somehow decided to create Facebook to attract girls."

In the film, zukerberg is portrayed as a socially-awkward and insecure young man who gets dumped by his girlfriend at the start of the film. Yesterday, the billionaire said the film got one thing right: he is not a cool person, he prefers functionality.

How to Unlock Pattern Lock or Password In Android Smartphone Without Losing Data


How to Unlock Pattern Lock or Password In Android Smartphone Without Losing Data

Android is the most used Mobile OS in the world and Engineers from Google work so hard to make it more secure after every update. If you ever forget your mobile pattern or password you can reset your mobile and get your device back. But in this case you will lose all your data if you want to recover  your device without losing data. Follow the below steps. Hope this article will help you.

Method 1st  :-

Unlock Pattern Lock On Android Without Losing Data

☆ Download Aroma File Manager.

☆ You android device either locked by pattern lock or password lock.

☆ A memory card for android device.

Step 1.  After downloading Aroma File Manager, place it in your memory card (SD card). Insert the memory card into your locked android device.

Step 2.  Open Stock Recovery Mode with reboot your android device and pressing Power Key and Volume up key simultaneously. Different phones may be have different methods to open stock recovery mode so if you face any problem Google it.

Step 3.  After entering into recovery mode use Volume+ and Volume- buttons to scroll up and down. For select use middle button.

Step 4.  From there click on “Install Zip from SD Card” and give a path to install “Aroma File Manager” from SD card.

Step 5.  After installing, it will open in recovery mode.

Step 6.  From the Aroma File Manager navigate to settings >> go to bottom and click on“Automount all devices on start” and then exit.

Step 7.  Repeat Step 4 & 5 again.

Step 8.  After this you will get “Aroma File Manager” opened again.

Step 9.  Now navigate to Data Folder >> System Folder  and find >>

“gesture.key”or“password.key” for pattern lock or password lock respectively.

Step 10.  Delete that any one file and then exit aroma file manager and reboot your android device. After rebooting you will notice that password or pattern lock not removed. But don’t worry draw any pattern and you will open your android device but remember or note that pattern.

Method 2nd  :-

Unlock Pattern Lock On Android Without Losing Data

1. First Requirement is Download Android SDK and here I will show you How To download and install Android SDK Tools.

☆ Download and install Android SDK Tools  to run ADB commands. Now select platform according to your download and install it.

☆  After installing open it, unchecked the other packages and check Android SDK Platform-tools and then click on install packages according to the image given below.

2. So the other requirement is USB Debugging should be enabled before your android device is locked.

3. The process will not be helpful if you doesn’t have specific and compatible drivers for your phone. So you should be very careful While installing your device compatible drivers.

Steps To Unlock Android Pattern Lock

Step 1. Connect your locked android phone with PC/Laptop via USB.

Step 2. Open folder where you installed Android SDK Tools Users >> App Data >> Local >> Android >> Android-SDK >> Platform-Tools and then click on blank space hold shift and click right mouse button and select “open command window here”.

Step 3. It will open you command window now you have to put some commands in the command window  :-

For check your device is connected or not put command:-

adb devices

Now put these commands:-

                               adb shell
                     sqlite3 settings.db
       update system set value=0 where                                   name=’lock_pattern_autolock’; 
      update system set value=0 where          name=’lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently’;

If above commands not working put:-

               ad shell rm /data/system/gesture.key

Step 4. Once you done you have rebooted your android device. Now its all done.
After rebooting your device you will see the pattern lock disabled. So in this method USB Debugging should be enabled before locked and it is must. But If it is not enable then you cannot proceed further steps.

Method  3rd  :-

Unlock Pattern With Factory Settings (Data Will Lost)

If you don’t have a PC or if USB Debugging is not enabled then follow the below steps

Step 1. First Switch off your Locked Android Device.

Step 2. Now, boot your Android device into “Recovery Mode” using specific keys by holding power key and volume up key simultaneously.

Step 3. After opening Recovery Mode

 ☆ Select “Factory Data Reset” option and give “Yes“.
☆ Select “Wipe Cache Partition” to wipe cache data.

Step 4. After above steps Reboot your device.

Step 5. All Done ! Now, your device will start from the scratch.

Please don’t try to use this information to Hack someone’s mobile.


How to use your Android smartphone as remote mouse and keyboard for your PC


How to use your Android smartphone as remote mouse and keyboard for your PC

Here is how you can control your PC/laptop with your Android smartphone/tablet using it either as keyboard or mouse.

Android OS has increased the overall usage domain of mobile phones in a short period of time. Since it is always fun to do the awesome things with your smartphone, we are presenting a new way to use your Android smartphone/tablet. That is as a keyboard or mouse for your PC.

Before we begin, you must know this “this process will only work with Intel based PCs”. Nowfirst of all you have to get Android Remote Keyboard App and software.

How to Set Up Intel Remote Keyboard

1.Download Intel Remote Keyboard on your Android device or tablet.

2.Download and install the Intel Remote Keyboard Host on your Windows PC. You will need to choose x86 or x64 depending on your Windows. If you aren’t sure what you are running, there are four easy ways to know if you’re on 64-bit Windows.

(Important: Make sure your Android and Windows devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.)

3.On your Android phone, tap the Windows device name.

4.Your Windows PC will now show a large QR code. Just scan it with your Android smartphone’s camera 

(following the on-screen instructions) and the two devices will be paired.

5.You’re all set !

What you can do:

The App is basically a virtual trackpad and keyboard for your computer. You can use it inportrait or landscape mode.

In portrait mode, your screen is divided into the trackpad area on the top and keyboard at the bottom. Intel’s keyboard looks much like any Android keyboard, but also has a Windows button, an Esc button, and the four arrow keys.

Stuff which should have been there:

There could be some enhanced controls to fully optimise the facility. First, there is no “continuous scrolling” , that means you have to touch scroll button many times for scrolling upto a large distance. Second there is no “direct volume control” , since it is always convenient to adjust volume by using a dedicated key than to use mouse. We firmly expect that these features will be added in the upcoming updates.


Top 5 tips to get some privacy and go invisible on WhatsApp


Top 5 tips to get some privacy and go invisible on WhatsApp

Here are some tips to go invisible on WhatsApp and get some privacy

It was easy to go invisible whenever one wanted while using Google Talk aka GTalk. To get some privacy, all you had to do was toggle the invisible modein the Google Talk.

However, it is not easy to become invisible in the recent popular messaging service, WhatsApp. So, what can you do to get rid of continuous pings and get some momentarily peace and privacy on WhatsApp.

Check out the methods explained below that can help you become invisible on WhatsApp:

1. Hide your Last Seen:

By disabling or hiding your “lastseen” feature, you can do away with the pressure to respond to messages immediately. You need to go the settings option in your WhatsApp and select account to turn it off. Change your last seen to “nobody” under the Privacy tab and it’s done. Now nobody will know when you were last seen on WhatsApp. By disabling this feature, you too won’t be able to see the same information for others.

2. Hide your Status:

Repeat the same process as you did for hiding your last seen. Go to Settings > Privacy > Status > Nobody. Viola! Your status won’t be visible to anyone now.

3. Hide your profile photo:

Now, keep your enemies and stalkers at bay by disabling this feature. All you need to do is togo to Settings > Privacy > Profile Photo > Nobody.

4. No Blue Ticks please:

The Blue Ticks basically mean that you have read the messages. In other words, it means that you are there online and also supposed to reply to the message instantly. To disable the Blue Ticks feature, go to Account > Privacy > Uncheck Read Receipts box.

5. Snooze or pause WhatsApp:

This feature is available only for Android users. While currently there is no way one can pause within the WhatsApp, but you can temporarily stop receiving any messages on WhatsApp by going to Android’s app settings. Go to Settings > Apps > WhatsApp > Force Stop.

The app will be frozen once you have force stopped WhatsApp. Even if you have a working data connection in your phone, it won’t be able to connect to internet. You won’t receive any messages. To activate it, you need to tap on the WhatsApp icon on the phone and open the app. It will resume its function and you will start receiving messages.

WhatsApp Android app update adds text formatting and Google Drive document sharing


WhatsApp Android app update adds text formatting and Google Drive document sharing |Technical news

WhatsApp has released two new features for Android users of its new 2.12.535 update, which was released earlier this month. Those using the new update can format text - i.e. 
make it bold or italicize it - as well as share documents saved in theirGoogle Drives.

In order to bold or italicize any text, put asterisk marks (*) and underscores (_) before and after it,respectively. For example:

However, the text appears bold or italicized to recipients only if they also have the WhatsApp  "version 2.12.535" installed on their phones. Otherwise the text in the example above appears like *hi* _How's it going_.

Since this version of WhatsApp has not been made available on Google Play Store yet, most users would not be able to use the text formatting feature yet.

WhatsApp for Android gets document sharing feature

The other key feature WhatsApp has introduced for Android users is the option to share files shared in their Google Drives. However, the files are converted to PDF and stored locally on the device instead of being shared as a cloud-based document.

In order to share files with others, users need to choose the 'Browse other docs' option in 'Document' under 'Attachments'. Google Drive files as PDFs can be shared with people on older versions (than 2.12.535) of the app on Android as well as iOS users.

Interestingly, Facebook-owned WhatsApp has also released a new version of the app on its website, named 2.12.539, which removes the text formatting but not the Google Drive document sharing option.


Every Android Owner Should Try Right Now

Every Android Owner Should Try Right Now

There so many cool things you can do with Android that you probably don't even know. From custom ROMs to gorgeous launchers, apps, LED notifications, gesture controls, icon packs andtweaks, there is plenty to keep you happy for a while. Here are eight things every Android owner should try.
*  How to improve performance on Android
*  Save battery life on Android

1. Supercharge your Wi-Fi

Did you know you can tell Chrome to save time and money by reducing data usage? Most people don't. Byusing this setting, I've cut my data usage by 30 percent in the past month. How's that for easy savings? Go toChrome > Settings > Data Saver and turn it on.

Everyone should tell Chrome to compress webpages before downloading them.

Likewise, did you know you can tell your phone to keep Wi-Fi on during sleep? Just go toSettings>Wi-Fi>Advanced > Keep Wi-Fi on during sleepand selectAlways.

Doing this means that not only will you download things while your phone's display is off, but you will also save battery life, because your phone won't have to reconnect to Wi-Fi every time you wake it up.

*.How to boost your phone's Wi-Fi signal

The Advanced Wi-Fi Settings is a great place to save time, money and battery life.

2. The battery optimizations

No matter which Android device you have, there are ways to improve the battery life from the get-go. Firstly, you must turn off 'ambient display' or 'adaptive brightness'. This setting changes the display brightness based on the current lighting conditions, but it's not perfect.

 The sensor used to determine the light levels is not as accurate as the human eye, you can set a more appropriate display brightness for the current circumstances, and as the display is a key area where battery life is lost, make sure you keep this at the lowest level possible.

Make sure you disable ambient display, and use a battery saving function when necessary.

Additionally, all of the major Android UIs come with some form of battery saving mode. While the strengths of each vary, they are worth digging into to see how they can be best applied for your particular needs.

For example, Sony's Stamina mode alters very little interms of performance and it's one of those you can (and probably should) have enabled at all times. 

The stock Android battery saving function affects performance and app functionality quite heavily, so itmight worth considering using this only when it's essential.  

HTC's Power Saver, on the other hand, has several options that you can enable or disable within it, making it a little less rigid than the others. 

Investigate the battery functions on your device by going into the settings and looking for battery, poweror something similar.

HTC's Power saver mode (left) and Sony's Stamina mode.

3. Grant app permissions individually 

Have you got Android Marshmallow yet? It has a cool feature you should try: granular app permissions. Thisfeature allows you to give apps permission to access hardware or data on your phone on a need basis. So ifan app needs to access the microphone, it'll ask you for permission to do so when you launch the app and the app needs to use this piece of hardware.

Before Marshmallow, you'd grant that permission before downloading the app in the Play Store. We assumed that denying some app permissions within third-party apps could break them. But now you can manage these permissions individually. Give it a try.

You can view and toggle permissions for an individual app.

4. Use Google Now, enable always listening 
Google Now acts as a virtual personal assistant, whichyou can use to retrieve information quickly and easily. But it's also so much more than that: Google Now can interact with your apps, take notes, set reminders along with a whole bunch of other clever tricks.

The more you use Google Now the more you realize what an excellent service it is. To give a simple example, say you wish to take an afternoon nap, but are already in that sleepy state and about to nod off.You don't need to reach for your phone and open yourclock app, calculate the time you want to wake and setan alarm for then. Just say "Okay Google, wake me up in two hours."

Tap OK Google detection and select 'Always on'

You can even set it to work from any screen by going intoGoogle Settings > Search and Now > Voice > OK Google detection > and selecting Always on.

We've listed more than 100 Google Now voice commandsfor you to use – give them a try.

5. Set up Android Device Manager HowAndroid Device Manageris not pre-enabled on every single Android phone I simply don't know. Android Device Manager is a great tool that lets you track a lost or stolen phone, remotely lock it, ring it, or delete its contents and even display a lock screen message for anyone that finds it. It may not be the sexiest thing you do with your Android phone, but it should be the first thing you do.

*.How to use Android Device Manager

Give Android Device Manager the power to lock or erase your data in case of loss or theft.

You'll find the permissions for Android Device Manager in the Google Setting appunder Security. You can enable Android Device Manager to remotely locate your phone as well as lock or erase its contents.But you'll also need to activate Android Device Manager as a device administrator. 
Go toSettings>Security>Device Administrators and check the box next to Android Device Manager.

*.Android Lollipop security

Make sure Android Device Manager is enabled as a device administrator.

6. Try Pushbullet 
There aren't many apps that I think absolutely everyone should use, because everyone has different tastes, needs and habits. But Push bullet is different. Everyone – and I mean everyone – should be using it. 

*.Best free Android apps everyone should be using

Pushbullet connects all your devices for sharing links, calls, SMS and even files

You can push links on your phone to your tablet, from your PC to your phone or from your phone to all of your other devices. Copying and pasting URLs is so 1999. Pushbullet also notifies you of SMS or calls on your PC and you can transfer files between all of your devices with Pushbullet too.

*.Best apps for multi-tasking on Android

Pushbullet connects your phone, tablet, PC, Chrome browser and more

7. Setup lock screen securityIf your adventurous nature stops a little short of implanting an NFC chip in your person, the next best thing to do is set up your lock screen security. I am always surprised by how many of my friends don't have lock screen security set up.

*.Best Android lock screen apps
Whether you prefer a PIN or a pattern, do make sure you have a security method set up.

If you lose your phone or have it stolen do you really want that thief to have access to all the intimate corners of your smart phone? No? Then set up a pattern or PIN lock right now. 
Just go to 
Settings>Security>Screen lockor, on some devices, Settings>Lock Screento set up your preferred type of lock screen security. Seriously, do it right now.

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